The below release notes detail a number of updates relating to the Authenticate platform, with a specific focus on the supply chain mapping functionality.

Supply Chain Map

The supply chain map has been moved to a separate tab to allow us to expand the functionality available on the hierarchy view

Clicking a site pin from the map will open an overview detailing the location, status, function, tier and any risk information.

Supply Chain Hierarchy

The supply chain hierarchy view now allows users to see an 'overview panel' for each linked supplier product within the chain.

Supplier overviews can be accessed by clicking any supplier contained in the chain. The overview shows details of the supplier and linked product, associated sites, any status / risk set against the sites including a new 'chain of custody'. 

The chain of custody allows quick viewing of the path an individual item takes to reach the user company's own product. This was previously hard to see in complex chains. It also displays any associated status or risk against each linked site to allow identification of potential issues or unapproved suppliers.

The default view of a product now collapses all indirect supplier items by default to just show direct suppliers only. This allows users to quickly see the companies they deal with in a simple view.

Clicking the pink 'Arrow' icon will expand the hierarchy to show further suppliers.

Updating the Supply Chain Hierarchy

A single button to 'add a new supplier' to a product is now shown on the overview panel.


Clicking the button will open a pop-up window to add a new supplier below the currently selected item.

Users with access to self-declare suppliers (feature permissions required) will now see an option to 'request your supplier to map' with a yes or no answer as part of the window to add a new direct supplier.

New suppliers can be self-declared at any level down the supply chain by viewing the associated overview and clicking 'add' a new supplier below. Only directly linked suppliers can be requested to map their supply chain.

Supplier Type

A 'type' is now available when adding new suppliers to a product.

Types are shown when viewing the overview to help identify the different services provided i.e. Grower, Manufacturer, Processor...

By default, all existing links are set with a type of 'Supplier'

The type can be edited for any existing supplier products by viewing the supplier overview, clicking the ellipsis menu [...] and selecting 'edit'.

Supply Chain Approval

Supply chain approval is visible from the supplier overview panel (feature required). This removes the need to navigate away to manage this information and allows users to view all information in one place (including the new chain of custody) to understand the supply chain before approving.

An overview of the approval % for the product based on all direct suppliers is shown at the top of the page.

Approved direct suppliers are marked with a tick icon when shown on the chain.

A new role of 'Qualified Person' has been added to allow management of supply chain approval.

Supply Chain Logistics

Logistics details can now be stored against supplier products to build up additional information about the companies involved in a product supply chain in order to manage all potential risks.

Logistics are managed under the ‘Logistics’ tab within the supplier overview panel, allowing details to be added for individual companies and sites or just to add a type of logistics process (e.g. Air Freight).

Once added, logistics can be viewed on the supplier hierarchy and are visible to customers at the top of the supply chain.

Assessment Score Display

The ‘actual’ score is now shown when reviewing an assessment along with the risk / compliance / audit score.

Sign up / Login Styling

The styling of the Authenticate login and sign up pages have been updated to bring the colours and imagery in line with our company branding.

Product Variants

Companies and users with the specifications feature can now store variants against their product, including language and pack sizes.

Variant details can be viewed on the product overview page when viewing an individual product from the catalogue or on the 'product variants' tab of an individual product.

When sending new specification requests, users can choose to request variant details for the specification. Selecting this option will pre-populate the specification with relevant variant information and require the supplier to provide information for each variant.


Transfer Non-Conformances for completion

Users assigned to a non-conformance which they have shared with another company can now 'transfer' ownership of the non-conformance to allow review and completion.
A non-conformance can be transferred back and forth multiple times to request / make changes and an optional comment can be added when transferring to provide additional information.

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:


  • Updated the task creation process for renewed assessments to create one task per assignee.
  • Updated logic to allow an assessor to complete an external supplier self assessment, which they answered on their suppliers' behalf. Internal self-assessments must still be completed by a different user to the one that initially submitted the responses.
  • Updated the ‘sent assessments’ list to remove the reason column and show the full reference details, which was previously hidden. If there is a ‘reason’ set, this can be seen as part of a tooltip.
  • Added the name of the ‘assigned to user’ when viewing an assessment which is awaiting supplier response.
  • Updated user selecttion when creating a new assessment corrective action to allow selection of linked users


  • Updated certification snapshot to include custom schemes to allow schemes to show on supplier manager

Company Profile

  • Added ‘Status comment' details to the sites list display when viewing a supplier profile

Document Management

  • Removed truncation on document names when responding to a request, to avoid hiding key information.


  • Improved performance viewing the results for an individual KPI
  • Automatically removed thresholds when KPI's are archived to prevent an error when viewing results

Product Specifications

  • Resolved issues preventing the product image from showing on a specification export
  • Improved performance of the specification overview page

Site Actions

  • Added selection of linked users when uploading new non-conformances

If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.