The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform which are planned for release, week 1, April 2022.


The name of the user which raised a corrective action has been added to the details view for traceability.

[ ? ] An issue has been fixed which prevented selecting of users to send an external assessment for a secondary review.

[ ? ] We have updated the section score shown on the individual scorecard of an assessment to show the percentage score as opposed to the actual score which previously had a % symbol which was misleading.

User Notifications

Priorities have been added to notifications to allow more important notifications to be quickly identified

Low - Item approved by customer / 

Self-assessment passed by customer.

Medium - Supplier not mapping /
Supplier product sites updated.

High - Request rejected (product / assessment etc) / 

Accepted product link removed /
Self-assessment failed by customer.

Info - Item completed /
Customer has reviewed and completed returned item / 

Pending request rescinded /

All documents read and request automatically completed.

AIS - Authenticate notification.

Product Specification

Validation when adding product standard photos has been updated to require an image type file. This will then ensure the image can be displayed on the specification review page.

Supply Chain Mapping


The supply chain flow diagram has now been restored (removed in previous release).

We have improved the performance when searching companies / sites to return results quicker.

The labels when adding a new supplier have been updated to make it easier to see if a new supplier is being mapped or declared (feature required).

The [...] menu button has been changed to a '... more' link when viewing a supplier overview. This link show option to edit or rescind / remove a supplier when clicked.

[ ? ] Product mapping tasks are no longer closed if a supplier tries to map their product to itself and create an invalid circular link.

[ ? ] The ability to remove a customer link has now been restored. This can be access by viewing the customer overview on a supply chain and clicking the 'remove' button. Removing a customer will remove your product from all their supply chains

Document Management

The journey to add new documents has been updated to allow the 'type' to be chosen when entering the details, so the user does not have to make this decision before they have selected a file

When creating a 'request' to enter details of a document to provide, an optional 'template' file can now be included. When the supplier responds, they can view download the template to complete it and used to respond to the request.

[ ? ] An issue has been resolved where existing document request were incorrectly being updated when a new version of a document was created and all outstanding requests were updated with the new version which then prevented the file being seen by the supplier for the updated 'open' requests.

Site Actions

When creating a new non-conformance for a supplier to complete, multiple recipients can now be selected.

[ ? ] The ‘shared by' company name has now been updated to display the current 'owning' company (responsible for the non-conformance) and not the original creating company when a non-conformance has been transferred.

Supply Chain Approval Overview

We have now restored the overview of 'supply chain approval' on the product mapping progress page .

This displays the number of unique 'mapped' products where the associated supply chain has been set as approved (feature required).

System Notifications

We have added a new feature to allow Authenticate (AIS) to set a system message between a set time period.

System messages will appear on the homepage and will allow us to give more notification of any upcoming maintenance whilst we update the system or releases performed along with any other messages.

Other Changes

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:

Authenticate Admin

  • Users added by the AIS client services team on behalf of a customer no longer need to be re-approved


  • [ ? ] The display of any associated logo has been fixed when editing a manual certificate scheme.

Key: [ ? ] = Fix / improvement

If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.