The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Global Navigation

We have updated the side navigation to be consistent for all users (with feature dependent links).

There should be no difference seen in the available functionality, just the order / display of the menu has been updated.

Specification Photo Standards > Non-Image Files

Users can now add 'non-image' files for product quality 'photo standards. This allows files to be added using two separate file pickers- image and non-image.

Files added using the 'image' file picker will display as a thumbnail on the specification. Non-image files are displayed as a download link.

Non Conformance Preventative Actions

When responding to site non-conformance's, users can now add 'preventative actions' .

These are displayed alongside the existing 'corrective actions' available for non-conformances to mirror the areas available when responding to an 'incident'.

Assessment Corrective Actions Scores

When reviewing a site assessment and viewing the 'Corrective Actions' tab, users can now see an 'Action Score' for the assessment.

The Action Score is based on the number of questions answered, the status of the corrective actions and if the question is critical (set when creating a template).

Scores are shown against each action to allow management and the 'Section Scores' tab provides a visual display of the score section & grouped sections if tags are applied.

Product Quality Recordings Listings

A listings page has been created for the new product records feature. 

This allows users to quickly view and search existing records by product name / reference / supplier / status and also allow new records to be added without the need to navigate to the individual supply chain pages.

Please contact your Authenticate client manager if you are interesting in learning more or accessing the product quality records feature

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:

Company / Site

  • Fixed issue where the company status did not display correctly in some instances when viewing details of a products supply chain and selecting a supplier to view


  • Added additional variables for Appcues to allow future improvement of user experience by adding new user guidance to the Platform

Product Quality Records

  • Added 'reference' to product quality record tasks so users can identify individual records when many incomplete records are added to the same supplier product

Site Actions

  • Updated status names based on feedback for incidents and non-conformance's :

Pending Supplier > Draft

Awaiting Response > Open
In Review > Submitted for Review
Awaiting Action > Awaiting Response

If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.