The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Document Request Management

To improve management of document request projects the following changes have been made: 

  • Project categories with filter
  • Pagination of projects to improve loading
  • Ability to open and close projects to remove them from the 'active' list

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:


  • The details page can now be viewed for an assessment which is downloaded to the app
  • Fixed issue updating tasks when assessment assignees were edited and the assessment type was not changed

Company / Site Profile

  • Added a new status of 'In Review' when managing supplier statuses


  • Made the 'expiry date' optional when providing a document as the supplier
  • Added select / de-select all toggle when searching sites to request and made the site name clickable to select
  • Remove validation requiring a query for a rejected document request
  • Fixed bug preventing site document requests form been deleted if a query or approval had been added


  • Updated react loaders to disable fields whilst any required data is being loaded, ie. user lists, to prevent issues ineracting with the select fields too soon


  • Improved performance loading large amounts of aggregated score data to prevent timeouts

Product Quality Record

  • Fixed display of validation message when entering incomplete details


  • Updated user authentication mechanism

If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.