The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Assessment Scheduler

A new feature has been created to assist users scheduling on-site / third party assessments

This works as a back and forth data collection to allow:

Available Dates Request

  • Requests are sent to a supplier with suggested dates to perform an audit / assessment

Supplier Response

  • The supplier receives an email / task to provide a response to confirm if they are available for the suggested dates or provide alternatives

Review Dates & Request Proposal

  • Once the supplier responds, assignee's of the request can request a proposal from a third party auditor to complete the assessment

Provide Third Party Proposal

  • The company requested to provide a proposal to carry out the assessment can provide a response and a proposal document

Approve Proposal

  • Once the proposal is submitted for review, it can be 'approved' or 'changes requested'

Schedule Assessment

  • Once approved, the third party assessor will be notified to schedule the assessment for the confirmed dates to complete the request

As part of the next release, users will be able to schedule an assessment directly after requesting dates from the site to allow them to complete the assessment without the need for a third party assessor. 

They will also be able to 'close' requests if the dates / proposal are not able to be progressed

If you are interested in accessing this feature or learning more, please contact your Authenticate client services manager

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:


  • Fixed issue with attachments / comments / observations not showing to add for sub questions


  • Added validation for manual certificates to ensure a file type exists on any attachments added

Company / Site profile

  • Reduced the number of calls to get data to improve the performance when viewing companies with many sites


  • Added display of dates any requested documents were provided when reviewing request details


  • Updated user Authentication method for react apps - WIP


  • Added pagination to product categories with over 250 products to reduce loading times

Quality Record

  • Fixed bug which incorrectly set the assignee field as disabled when adding multiple records in a row


  • Updated specification listings page filters to make the product filter a single select to prevent errors selecting too many items when 'select all' products was choosen which does the same thing as having no filters applied

Task Outbox

  • Updated the naming of Self-Assessment task types to make them more descriptive to the current state

If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.