The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform
ESG Comparison Report - Coming Soon
A new report is being created that will allow users to compare their ESG performance against other organizations that have completed the assessment.
By default, results will be compared to all other ESG assessments "performed" in the previous year with the ability to change the reporting period. Results currently show: Count of companies compared with Overall scores vs average Overall outcomes (foundational / transitional / transformation) vs average Section scores vs average (Environmental - Strategy, Environmental - Results etc x 9) Section outcomes vs average
Once complete, users will also be able to select and view how they compare for each question and see how their score and outcome for the section and overall assessment compare based on their response
Available in Release 12
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Fixes and Improvements
The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:
- Updated logic used to calculate assessment action scores to define the max score based on the question criticality = Sum(Critical answers x 3 + Non-critical answers x 2)
- Adjusted the certification's historic days value from 30 to 60 so that certifications appear in the expired column for a longer period of time.
- Fixed issue sharing in-active documents when sending new request
ESG Assessment
- Updated PDF of sample questions in the ESG guidance area
Quality Record
- Added 5 new fields to the product quality record (only available to users with the 'Product Quality Record Sugar' feature)
- Increased the character limit for specification of corrective actions to 3000 characters
- Added display of the data set name applied to a specification request in the header
Assessment Scheduler
- Added the ability to create a new project when sending new assessments from the proposal
- Added the ability to close assessment proposal request when it is no longer required
- Added functionality to update the assessment proposal status to ‘Completed’ once an associated assessment is finished and Passed / Failed or Competed
- Added progress counts to have the listings page to show the overall progress
- Added alert when a proposal is accepted for a third party company which cannot access the assessment template. Once accepted, the template will now be automatically shared to allow the assessment to be raised
If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.