The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform
ESG Comparison Report
A new report is now available to allow users to compare their ESG performance against other organisations that have completed the Authenticate ESG assessment.
If you have completed the ESG assessment, you can view your company’s comparison report, navigate to ‘My ESG Assessment’ under ‘ESG PLATFORM’ and click the ‘Comparison Report’ tab. The Comparison Report displays the following insights :
Overall Scores Count of companies compared with Overall Scores vs Average Score Overall Maturity Level Outcomes (Foundational/Transitional/Transformation) vs Average
Section Scores Section Scores vs Average (Environmental - Strategy, Environmental - Results etc x 9) Section Maturity Level Outcomes vs Average
Question Scores - Individual question select
- Question Score vs Average Score
- Question Response % Display
- Question Response vs maturity to show the likely hood of being Foundational/Transitional/Transformational based on a specific response
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Site Action Draft Responses
| To improve responding to incidents and non-conformances, users can now partially save responses so they are not required to enter all details and send them back to the customer whilst they collect information.
When saving draft responses, comments can only be added when submitting the response back for review.
Specification Packaging
The format of specification packaging data has been updated to achieve the following
- Packaging materials have been moved into their own group
- The pack size fields now allow multi-select to reduce the need for duplication where the same materials are relevant for multiple pack sizes
- Material and sub-material options have been updated to make these a fixed list
- Sub-material selection is now dependent on the parent material selection
As part of this update, existing data has been mapped to match the new structure
- Any existing submitted specification versions are fixed and will display as previously approved
- When the packaging data for an existing specification is edited, data will be updated to the new structure automatically
- Material/sub-material options have been mapped where possible to the new fixed option list. Where options could not be matched, these fields will be blank when data is edited and will require a new selection before creating a new specification version
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Fixes and Improvements
The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:
- Added displayed of guidance for questions when exporting assessment templates or completed site assessments
- Updated KPI scoring report click through to include 'opted out' periods in the % scored display so a site which had scored 5 periods and opted out of 5 periods would show as 100% scored and not 50% scored
- Updated display on the 'contact us' help form
- Updated packaging labels to change: 'Width or Radius' to 'Width or Diameter' and 'Height or Diameter' to 'Height'
If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.