1.Ensure the App version is up to date

Issues can occur if the app version is not kept updated. Older versions do not have access to corrective actions and may experience issues downloading assessments which contain existing actions.

Always use the Apple AppStore to keep the app up-to-date. You can check which version you are on by logging onto the app and looking in the bottom corner.
In the AppStore, you can check the updates area to find the latest version.

When updating any existing downloaded assessments and responses will remain.

**Please note: DO NOT delete the app if you have any assessment data stored that you do not wish to lose**

2.Unable to log on

If you have logged on previously without issue then it's good to check the following:
  • Ensure that you are trying to log in with your Username. 
    Please note: your Username is NOT your email address. If you use your email address to log in, then you will experience issues with any downloaded assessments.

All companies wanting to use our Offline Assessment App need to be granted access. If this is the first time your company has tried to use our app then we will need to make sure that access has been set up. Please contact our client service team by emailing: platform-support@authenticateis.com

3.Receiving an error when uploading an assessment.

If you are receiving an error when uploading an assessment the most likely cause of this is if your device is not set up to use 24hr date time.

To fix this check your device date time settings via the system menu: settings > general > date time - If they are set to not use 24hr time this should be changed to use 24hr. This will then allow assessments to be uploaded - This setting can be turned off at all other times but is required to upload to prevent an error recognizing the date format

If issues persist, please contact support for assistance

**Please note: DO NOT delete the app if you have any assessment data stored that you do not wish to lose**

4.Can't find the assessment on the app?

When viewing the list of assessments to download if a site assessment cannot be seen or an existing downloaded assessment cannot be uploaded. Please check the following:

On the App
  • Check that neither the Template nor the Site filter has been applied. 
  • Ensure you have logged in to the app using your username NOT email address

On the main Platform

  • Check that the assessment still exists and hasn't been archived.
  • If there is an expiry date on the assessment then please ensure that it is set in the future.

Only assessments with an expiry date which have not passed can be downloaded or uploaded. If an assessment has been downloaded which has since expired please contact our client service team by emailing: platform-support@authenticateis.com

5.Assessment is checked out to another user

When an assessment is checked out by another user then it will be unavailable to download to the app. Please check that the assessment is not already checked out to someone else via the main platform.

If the assessment is checked out by someone else then please contact them in the first instance to see if they still need access to the assessment on their device. If they do not then they will either need to upload their changes or delete the assessment from the app if they don't need the data. Once they have uploaded the assessment then this will allow you to download the assessment to your device.

An issue can occur when an assessment shows as being checked out by yourself but you are unable to see it on your device. This may occur if you have deleted the app whilst having an assessment checked out. If this occurs please contact our client service team by emailing: platform-support@authenticateis.com

**Please note: DO NOT delete the app if you have any assessment data stored that you do not wish to lose**

6.Accidentally delete an assessment

If you accidentally delete an assessment from your app you will need to connect to an internet connection to download the assessment again. Any changes that you made before deleting the assessment will be lost and you will need to add the data again.

** Only delete and assessment if you are sure you DO NOT need any data you have added **