The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Product Specifications

We have updated the Packaging ‘Pack Type’ options in the details and components sections to be dependent on the selected packaging level, as implemented with the packaging component 'material category' field in the previous sprint. 


New functionality has been added to allow dates for the 'next' instance of a 'renewed' continuous assessment to be set when the assessment is 'completed'

Once an assessment is renewed, any 'next' dates will be used where set

If 'next' dates are not set and an assessment is renewed, the due date / expiry / re-issue date for the new instance of the site assessment will still be automatically calculated based on lifespan of the previous version

Supplier Product Notes

We have added the ability to store 'Private Documents' against any supplier products mapped or declared in your supply chains

  • Add / preview / edit / delete notes
  • Updated UI from managing a user’s own product or supplier products' private documents
  • Changed the tab when viewing a ‘supplier’s product' overview to only show one tab along with a ‘more’ link which shows additional tabs
  • Added restrictions to prevent the uploading of unapproved file types and restricting selection to 100 files at a time

Supplier Management

A number of changes have been made to the Supplier Manager area, including:

  • Site codes and contact details can now be updated on the supplier overview
  • A count of emails sent to customers to complete the ESG assessment are now shown to understand the number of requests sent
  • Users can then click through to see the send dates

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:

Task Outbox

  • Fixed issue with the company filter only showing companies for the current page of results


  • Fixed display of the sort arrows in the table header when view sent assessment list or the project


  • Restored functionality to allow users to ‘dismiss all’ notifications
  • Added link to toggle notifications type selection
  • Changed the default notification range to one year when displaying counts on the homepage or viewing the history

Supply Chain Mapping

  • Fixed edge case updating supply chain snapshot if the same product appears in the same chain but at different levels
  • Update supply chain mapping to allow selection of all sites for a company with more than 50 sites available


  • Changed automated certificate updating logic to update based on a matching certificate with the same ID if the hash doesn’t match, but there is only one ID matches

Document Request

  • Update document request ‘Not required’ selection to prevent removal of provided documents


  • Created tables to store additional Sedex site audit information
  • Created functions to retrieve and process Sedex details

User Tracking

  • Added Appcue events to allow user guidence to be added when a user views the ESG list / report pages

If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.