The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform
Company Profile
The company / site profiles have been updated to move the license/ registration and relationship details into the 'about' tab Sedex information has been split into its own tab on the company profile to display ZC and ZS numbers |
Sedex Site Audit Integration
| Companies with access to Sedex audit level data (via Sedex) can now integrate this data into the Platform Once configured, users can view and then click through to see details for individual Sedex site audits and the associated findings Please speak to your client services manager to discuss set up if this data is available to your company |
Assessment Renewal
When viewing details of continuous assessments which have been 'completed' (passed/failed/completed), the renewal status of the assessment is now shown to improve visibility - Upcoming : Date of renewal + link to manage renewal dates - Successfully Renewed : Date renewal occurred - Renewal failed : Date renewal failed and reason When setting dates for an assessment to be renewed on, the 're-issue' date cannot be before the due date of the original assessment |
Specifications - Packaging
| When entering information for 'Packaging' details and components, if a packaging type of 'other' is selected, users can now see an additional free text field to enter 'Other' details Any additional details added are shown on specification review & compare pages and in the API when viewing details of a specification version |
Supply Chain Mapping Search
When searching to add new suppliers to a product from the supply chain page, users can now select to search by name, supplier codes or license / registration numbers - Name : Company / Site name - Supplier Code : Supplier codes added to Companies / Sites by the users company - License & Registration : Approved license numbers added to Companies / Sites ie. CPH / Health Mark / DUNS Number Searches will show any matching companies / sites to allow selection when mapping or declaring suppliers |
ESG Assessment Reminders
A workflow has been created to send reminder emails for any requests sent for suppliers to 'complete' an ESG assessments to prompt completion Reminders are sent 14, 28, 56,84,122, and 140 days after the initial requests with emails based on the days since the original request If a company has multiple requests from different customers, one email will be sent listing each of the customers requesting completion |
Fixes and Improvements
The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:
- Fixed issue exporting assessment with many images to PDF
ESG Assessment
- Fixed issue with task to share ESG assessment results been created for the requesting company and not the supplier
- ✉️ Added an email for users sent a request to share ESG assessment results
- Added links to manage 'License & registration' requests directly from the task
- ✉️ Added an email for assignee's when the non-conformance is submitted back for review
Product Quality Records
- Added new role for 'Quality Record Admin' for companies with the 'Raw Material Records' feature
- Updated logic to allow 'Quality Record Admins' to edit any existing quality records created by their company
- Updated validation to not require packaging dimension fields which are not relevant based on the selected shape
- Updated validation to not require an image and a non-image file if both are selected as required in the template
Supply Chain
- Added display of company / site supplier codes when viewing the overview of a supplier on a product supply chain
Supplier Lists - ESG
- Stored 'sent to' email address against email tracking
- Added ability to view 'request history' for ESG completion / access tasks
- Added functionality to be send a 'reminder' for an existing ESG request when viewing the history from a supplier list
- Updated ESG score display to show results for assessments which are 'in review'
- Updated sub nav to consolidate edit / delete list links
- ✉️ Created an email when a request to 'share' access to ESG results is sent
- Rename 'Qualified Person' role to 'Supplier Approval'
If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.