The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Product Supply Chains

We've made some changes to expand and improve the supplier product profile when viewing a product's supply chain.

We have added two new tabs 
  1. Raw Material
  2. Supplier Approval 

Raw Material

  • Within this tab, you can now set a Risk, Status, and Review Date for all supplied Raw Materials (products) either directly supplied to your company or in your supply chain. 

  • Supply chain approval now resides within this tab

  • New options to add seasonality and declarations have been added.

    This can either be set by yourself on your direct supplier's raw material or they can be requested from your supplier when adding a supplier to the supply chain. 

  • You can also mark a raw material as a contingency supplier. This can only be managed/seen by the company entering these details

  • All supplier product details require users to have the 'Supply Chain Approval' role to manage details. This can be added by editing the user as a company admin

Supplier Approval

  • Company and Site(s) approval has been brought together to provide a clearer picture. A single panel now displays the function, Risk, and Status of the company and each associated site(s) involved in the supply chain


Specification Search
  • A new filter has been added to the specification search for ‘Template’.
    When applied, only specifications using the selected template will be shown

Specification Request > Variant Selection

  • When mapping a product and requesting a specification from the supply chain page, users can now select individual variations to apply (based on their own product variations)

  • When the supplier accepts the specification request, if ‘variations’ are applied and individual variations have been chosen, only the selected variations will be applied

    • If no individual variations are selected for language/pack size then ALL variations will be applied (as current)

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:


  • ⚙️ Improved performance reviewing an assessment by only loading one section at a time
  • ⚙️ Improved performance loading assessment progress bar on the details page 
  • ⚙️ Improved performance navigating between questions (next / prev / next unanswered)

  • Updated question details display to add a max height to the section menu and improve additional data display

  • Updated display of assessment review page to improve the display of additional data and hide details when not relevant, ie. The score for a non-option question

  • Removed truncation when displaying corrective action details on the question and review pages

  • Fixed issue selecting assessment sections to copy which occurred in some scenarios 

  • Fixed issue displaying the comparison report for an ESG assessment over 1-year-old when viewing by the rolling 12 months

Assessment Export

  • ⚙️ Downsized images when exporting to pdf to try to reduce issues exporting large assessments


  • Fixed display of certificate logos to prevent overflow from the image frames


  • Improved performance loading documents on a company profile

Product Mapping

  • Updated logic to group accepted products by the requested raw material and not the linked supplier product

Product Quality Records

  • Updated the display when viewing or editing product quality records to improve the layouts and readability

Product Supply Chain

  • Fixed bug where the ‘accept’ buttons were not enabled on load if the company only has one category and one site which were set by default when bulk accepting product requests

  • Updated headers when exporting rejected product request history details

Site Actions

  • Updated the display when responding to site actions to improve the layouts and readability


  • Fixed issue preventing the viewing of previous ‘major’ versions when reviewing specifications

  • Fixed issue where duplicate languages/pack sizes variants could be added in some scenarios when accepting a request

  • Removed default search when loading the search page