This Guide Covers:

** Please note any step below marked with an * will require an internet connection **

Downloading and Installing the App

* Internet Connection Required

On your iPad navigate to the AppStore and search for 'Authenticate assessments'

A link to download the app is here:

Once you have found the App select 'GET' to download it.

Logging in

* Internet Connection Required

When you open the app you will be presented with the login screen.

Log in to the app using the same username and password that you’ve set up on the internet.

**Please Note – Your Username is NOT your email address.

Downloading Assessments

* Internet Connection Required

Your home screen is set up in two columns. 

  • On the right-hand side, you will see a list of Assessments assigned to you and available for download. If the assessment is listed on the right-hand side it will NOT be available offline.

  •  In order to make an assessment available offline you will need to download it, by selecting the 'Download' button on the assessment you require. It will then move from the list on the right-hand side to the left-hand side once downloaded.

  • Assessments listed on the left-hand side will be available offline and the ability to view/complete the assessment will not require an internet connection.

  • To find the assessment you’re looking to complete, you can either scroll down the right-hand side or filter the list by assessment template or site.

    ** Please Note - Don’t forget to clear any filters applied when searching for other assessments.


  • If you lose your iPad or delete the assessment it CANNOT be recovered.

  • Once you have downloaded an assessment it CANNOT be accessed via the main platform, it is locked to your user on your iPad until it is uploaded back to the platform.

  • If an assessment is downloaded to an iPad then on the main platform this is highlighted with the following icon:

  • Once downloaded, selecting the 'View' button will take you through to view the details of the assessment, from there you will be able to start or continue the assessment.

Completing an Assessment

**Ensure that you have downloaded the correct assessment before travelling to a location without internet access**

  • From the assessment details page you will have the option to 'Start assessment' (or 'Continue Assessment' if it has already been started). Selecting 'Start Assessment' will take you to the first question to answer (or the first unanswered question if continuing the assessment)

Uploading an Assessment

* Internet Connection Required

When the assessment is complete you will need to upload the assessment back to the main platform. This will copy the answers (along with any attachments, comments, observations and corrective actions added) from your iPad back to the main platform. 

On the assessment details page, there is an upload button at the bottom. when you select upload you will be asked to confirm that you want to save all the answers to the main platform and remove the assessment from the iPad. Select upload to confirm. 

Once the upload is successful the assessment will be removed from the list of offline assessments on your iPad and the assessment will be unlocked on the main platform. The assessment will then also appear back on the right-hand side column on the homepage of available assessments to download.

You will receive a confirmation on the screen saying that the upload was successful. This screen also provides some instant feedback outlined as follows:

  • % Complete – How far the assessment has progressed
  • Risk/Compliance Score & Status – Based on the responses given, the answer is nominated into one of the following categories and has the following points system associated with it.







  • A failure to meet a key claim, food safety standard, legal standard, or significant welfare standard where this failure puts the customer and/or Coles Brand integrity at risk



  • A deficiency which requires prompt attention to prevent a potential claim, food safety standard, legal standard, or moderate welfare standard arising, where this failure may potentially put customers or the Coles Brand integrity at risk



  • Non-compliance to the production requirements for elements that don’t impact claim, food safety standard, legal standard, or a minor welfare standard



  • Basic compliance adherence
  • Positive multiple-choice answers
  • Positive answers for criteria that are not policy requirements



  • Higher welfare outcomes
  • Improved environmental outcomes



  • Observational or screening questions 
  • Negative and neutral answers for criteria that are not policy requirements