The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Product Supply Chains

We have added the ability to update the name/reference of a supplier's raw material

Users will require the 'Supply Chain Approval' role to edit these details.

When edited, changes are applied to the raw material and any associated product links and specification requests

*** Please note: this will not affect the name/reference on your supplier's own product if they have accepted a link ***

Automatically Update Finished Products Details

If a user edits the name of their own product, and they have any linked supplier products with the exact same name and reference, then the raw material name/reference on your supply chain will be updated (as described above)

This is to allow finished products to keep the same details if links are sent and then the name/reference changes.

Updates will only apply where the name/reference is exactly the same as the user's product (before editing).


When creating a Specification template, there is now a new section for 'Customer Details' within the 'Product Information' area, which can be included when creating a specification template.

The customer details section allows users to enter the name of one or more customers a product is supplied to and may be used when a specification is created by a third party

When a new version of a specification is created, any customer information will be stored to allow 'searching' of specification versions from the specification search page

Fixes and Improvements

The following additional changes have also been made as part of this release:


  • Added display of supplier site codes when sending new assessment requests from a project
  • ⚙️ Further improvements to improve the speed of loading a question details page to reduce the time navigating through an assessment to provide responses
  • ⚙️ Improved loading of assessment on the 'sent assessments' listings page to start the loading of the next set of results when the user is midway through the list as opposed to waiting until they reach the end of the current results

  • Updated corrective actions to allow linked users to be selected when creating a new action

  • ⚠️ Fixed issue preventing assessment answers from being copied

Document Requests

  • ⚠️ Fixed issue preventing inactive documents from being set as 'historic' from the company profile

ESG Assessments

  • ⚙️ Improved the performance of viewing supplier ESG assessment results on a list

  • Update ESG results visibility to change public to only allow 'Customers' to see results and updated associated access based on this new logic

  • Updated header counts to split out ESG assessment status and request counts

  • ⚠️ Fixed bug preventing a new company from being added to a list on initial creation

Supply Chain

  • Fixed the population of country and region information when searching companies using the API

  • ⚠️ Fixed issue with an incorrect header showing on the rejected product links export

  • ⚠️ Fixed issue removing product links from a supply chain as the supplier