The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform


Status History

You can now view the status history of an assessment to see the associate users, dates and any comments added during the completion of an assessment

To access this information, click the 'View History' link from the top right of the screen when viewing details of an assessment

This will open a popup detailing the status history for the selected assessment:

Update Assessment Validation

We have updated the logic to allow an assessment which has already been submitted for review to be sent back to the supplier or sent for further review when questions still require answering. This sceanrio can occur if changes are made when reviewing, which triggers a new question or a new section is added when editing the assessment

*Please note: Assessments must still be fully answered when intial completing and submitting for review or completing

Assessment Corrective Actions

We have improved the performance viewing the corrective actions listings page

  • Updated pagination

  • Added new ‘Date created’ filter to reduce the scope of actions shown > Default: Last 3 months

  • Updated template filter to filter by assessment project

  • Improved layout to reduce header chart size

Product Link Accept Journey

Once a request to a link a product is accepted, a new and improved journey has been created to highlight any additional tasks required for the product such as:

  • Map the product - Users can add multiple suppliers to map their product, or select they are ‘not mapping’

  • Provide seasonality and declarations

  • Complete a product specification

Product mapping and seasonality details can be done as part of an integrated journey.
When completing a specification, users are taken to the corresponding page

Users can also select to 'complete' later and respond to each task from the homepage


We have updated displays to improve data visibility and added new fields to the non-conformance area.

New non-conformance fields:

  • Affected Sites(s) - Users can now select from a list of their own company’s sites

  • Outcome - Accepted | Rejected

  • Purchase Order Number - Free text

  • Quality Affected - Free text

  • Licence / Registration Number - Free text

We have also updated filters on the non-conformance listings page to show the 'search' and 'status' filters by default.
All other existing filters have moved into a pop-up with the following new additions:

  • Affected Sites(s) - Non-conformance's associated with a selected site

  • Type - Non-conformance's of a selected type

  • Date - Non-conformance's from the selected date

  • Outcome - Non-conformance's with the selected outcome

Fixes and Improvements


  • Updated the company / site and product search to improve displays and show 'search' terms when filters are applied 

Supplier Lists

  • Automatically assigned contact to supplier list when requesting an ESG assessment and adding a new contact

Product Link

  • Added notification when changes are made to a Raw Material's Additional Information by the supplier
  • Trimmed the name and reference of product links name and reference fields to prevent match issues