The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform


  • When creating/editing an assessment template, users can now select to 'show' or 'hide' the count of questions to answer which is displayed on the assessment 'details' page when a users answers an assessment

  • A search filter will be shown for option-type questions which have more than 15 available options to choose from to help when answering these types of questions.

Supply Chain

Raw Material

  • We have updated the raw material header to show the name and linked customer product name (if different) when viewing these details
  • A new supplier product raw material declaration of ‘Organic’ has been added

Site Actions


  • The selection of 'sub type' is now filtered based on the selected 'type' when creating a new incident

  • The type and sub-type options have been updated to improve the 'types 'available for selections


  • We have added a few new type/sub-type options
    • Human Rights (new type) > Plus 9 new sub-types
    • Environmental Protection > 7 new sub-types


We've also been working on the emails that we send out to update the look and feel across all our emails for consistency, but we've also been working on a new single all-encompassing task email to improve visibility and allow more control over what emails you want to receive which will be coming soon.

Fixes and Improvements


  • Fixed issue with corrective actions listings page ‘project’ filter not correctly filtering when a project was selected
  • Fixed issue editing assessment observations on the corrective actions page
  • Added icon to highlight 'continuous' assessment when viewing the list of 'sent assessments' for a project
  • Added functionality to allow users to see the time and user associated with each response when reviewing assessment details
  • Improved the layout for assessment corrective actions and added details of the users associated with opening / closing an action

Supplier List

  • Fixed issue when a removed list site shows again after changing pages
  • Fixed issue which incorrectly showed sites as not requested
  • Display improvement to show the list name in the header


  • Fixed error shown when submitting a specification for review where no customer details were set