The following changes have been made to the Authenticate Platform
- Added the ability for suppliers to add 'corrective actions' to assessments sent for 'site review' to allow the supplier to add actions they have taken to resolve an issue raised in the assessment
- Updated sent assessments listings page to highlight assessments expiring on the current day
- [?] Improved the performance view the corrective actions listing page
- [?] Resolved issue where answers would be archived when a dependency was changed, even if the question was still triggered to show
- [?] Fixed issue snapping assessment scores with cross-section dependencies
- [?] Hard deleted question dependencies to prevent issue
- [?] Improved performance viewing aggregated KPI scores for large chains
Site Actions (Release 5)
- Added functionality to 'edit' the details and product information for a non-conformance
- Added filters to view non-conformances based on the non-conformance date by a 'from' and 'to' date
- Added ordering to 'Quality Targets' so data is ordered by 'alpha'
- [?] Fixed error editing product information when partial 'parent product' variations had been applied when the specification was accepted
- [?] Fixed error shown when trying to view old minor specification versions which have been superseded
Supplier Lists
- Added functionality to change the user sent an 'ESG' request
- Created export of users associated with suppliers in a list --> Available to Enterprise members only
- Updated the supplier ESG list to show the requested date as the 'latest' date a reminder has been sent
Supply Chain
- Added option to flag a supplier raw material as being 'dormant' so users can set which supplier products are not actively supplied but are still linked
- [?] Fixed bug preventing emails been sent for newly 'activated users' to allow them to set their password
If you spot any issues or need additional information, please contact your dedicated Account Manager, email or call +44(0)1423 548583 for assistance.