The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform


  • A new 'full' view / export has been added to viewing details for all corrective actions on an assessment
  • When viewing the 'corrective actions' tab of an assessment, click 'export' to create a pdf or use the button at the bottom of the page to view details for all actions, responses and files associated with the assessment

  • The ‘completed' status has been added to the filter options when running an assessment ‘outcome’ report

  • The corrective action details page has been updated to move question details to the top of the response column

  • A display issue has been fixed where section/question numbers for each corrective action were not being displayed when viewing the list of actions for an assessment

Assessments App

  • Access to the assessments iPad app has been restricted to only allow login using username and password.
    This restriction is due to an issue which occurs when logging in using email address, where the list of accessible assessments displays 'accessible' assessment incorrectly when refreshed

    Users can still login to the main Platform using their username or email address


  • Fixed preview issue with non-image type documents trying to preview as PDFs for all file types

  • Fixed issue resolving Document Request query tasks when submitting a request for review

Location Report

  • The supplier location report has been updated to improve performance
  • This report is accessible from the product catalogue > reports menu and now include details for any 'declared' suppliers added to product supply chains

Specification - Search

  • A new filter for ‘product claim > suitable for' has been added when searching specification versions

  • The UI of the specification search has also been updated to improve the layout as more filters are added

Supplier Product Report

  • The 'supplier product report' has been updated to improve performance and add new information i.e. raw material risk / status added
  • This report is accessible from the product catalogue > reports menu and now include details for any 'declared' supplier product

Supply Chain Mapping

  • The journey responding to product link has been updated to improve the flow
  • ‘Create a new product’ is now the default screen, with details populated based on the request name/reference

  • When selecting an existing product, user can now type to search their existing product catalogue rather than selecting from a full list which could be very large in some instances to improve performance