The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform
Supply Chain - Supplier Raw Materials
Update label > ‘Is this product dormant? to 'Supply of this product is currently inactive?’
Update label > ‘This product is currently set as being dormant' to 'The supply status of this product is currently set as inactive’
Site Actions - Incidents
- New fields added for 'Wine' in the 'Product Information' section
- Improved the performance downloading details of an individual assessment to the app
Split out count for assessment in 'review' statuses on the listings page
Added alert icons for assessments requiring ‘review’ on the listings page
Updated logic to allow standard users set as a reviewer on an assessment they are not assigned to to view and manage details
Document Request
Prevented list refresh when a document request is viewed which lost any filters / sorting applied
Fixed issue where documents could be removed from a project when sending more request if all documents hadn’t loaded when the user moved to the next step