The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Supply Chain - Supplier Raw Materials

  • Update label > ‘Is this product dormant? to 'Supply of this product is currently inactive?’

  • Update label > ‘This product is currently set as being dormant' to 'The supply status of this product is currently set as inactive

Site Actions - Incidents 

  • Incident details can not be edited
  • Added new reference type - Enforcement Authority

  • Added new ‘Sub Types’ for the ‘Foreign Body’ type

    • Glass

    • Stalk

    • Burnt ingredient

    • Stone/pip

  • Added severity option - ‘N/A’

  • Updated filter UI to match non-conformances and Added new filters
    • Date Before

    • Date After

    • Reference (string search)


  • New fields added for 'Wine' in the 'Product Information' section


  • Improved the performance downloading details of an individual assessment to the app
  • Split out count for assessment in 'review' statuses on the listings page

  • Added alert icons for assessments requiring ‘review’ on the listings page

  • Updated logic to allow standard users set as a reviewer on an assessment they are not assigned to to view and manage details

Document Request

  • Prevented list refresh when a document request is viewed which lost any filters / sorting applied

  • Fixed issue where documents could be removed from a project when sending more request if all documents hadn’t loaded when the user moved to the next step