The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform


  • Updated display to improve breaking of special characters
  • Updated display of link text in assessment question names on assessment review / report pages


  • You can now request multiple specifications for the same template and supplier products based on the following:
    • Site Supplied From

    • Site Supplied To

    • Additional Details (free text)

  • When sending a new product link if the user selects to ‘request a specification’, the specification request is now completed as a separate action after the link has been sent.
  • We have added a new overview of ‘specifications’ for a supplier product when viewing the details from the supply chain.

  • This then allows users to request a new specification when viewing the list of sent specifications for an individual supplier product so they can send request retrospectively for additional information

  • The site names / additional details associated with a new specification request are displayed when responding to or reviewing a completed specification in the following places
    • Specification review / compare

    • Specification details (when completing)

    • Specification listings page


  • Updated FSSC200 data to use new api details to get information