The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform


  • The associated question response outcomes have been added to the corrective action details page.
  • On 'Closing' a corrective action users can now view and edit the response to an assessment option question


  • Updated direct supplier certificate report to include declared suppliers 
  • Updated export to include declared supplier certificates 

Company Profile 

  • Added phone number/job title to the company profile users list  
  • Fixed issue with ZC number not showing on company profile when viewing a supplier 

Product Mapping 

  • Fixed issue with product mapping page showing categories based on all ‘rejected’ requests 

ESG Assessment Scorecards 

  • Updated ESG scorecard report to show comparison year-on-year 

Document Listings 

  • Improved the loading of document request listings/counts 
  • Added export to output details of all document requests with a specific project

Supplier Product (Raw Material) 

  • Fixed issue preventing raw material brands from being removed

Workflow Listings 

  • Change the link on a company name to open the workflow details in the popup rather than go straight to the profile 
  • Fixed issue with multiple decimal places on the workflow details