The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform

Assessments - Multi Question Response

  • We have added the ability for users to complete assessments section by section, meaning users can complete assessments more quickly and efficiently by allowing all questions in a section to be completed on one page rather than clicking through each question individually.

Note: This functionality is only available for assessments where each individual section has 50 questions or less

Assessments - Grades

  • Grades can now be set against the actual score as well as the percentage.

Assessments - Scheduler

  • Updated search to show results for hidden companies where the company being searched for has a supplier code set

  • Removed validation requiring the proposed due date to be in the future

  • Updated ‘days’ display to be inclusive of all days in the range - 1st Jan > 4th Jan = 4 days

Document Requests

  • The task due date on a document request now updates when a new version of a document is sent to prevent the ‘due date’ being set in the past based on the original request sent date

Company/Site Profiles

  • New license and registration type > 'Safe food for Canadians'


  • We've improved and added new questions to our ESG assessment

Site Actions - incidents

  • Added option to notify assignees by email when they are set to manage an incident which is responded to by the supplier initially so they know it has been raised 

  • Added new fields for: 
    • Originating Council - Free Text > Set when creating an incident 
    • Sample Status > Select list > Set when adding associated supplier details

  • Updated supplier product search to only allow directly linked products to be selected 
  • Fixed a bug where a ‘searched’ supplier product was not shown on the details
  •  Added ability to see the status history of an incident by:
    • Status > user > time stamp 
    • Any comments added