Releases - 2022

Authenticate - Release 3 - March 2022
The below release notes detail a number of updates relating to the Authenticate platform, with a specific focus on the supply chain mapping functional...
Fri, 25 Mar, 2022 at 2:15 PM
Authenticate - Release 4 - April 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform which are planned for release, week 1, April 2022. Assessments The name of the use...
Thu, 7 Apr, 2022 at 10:59 AM
Authenticate - Release 5 - April 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform which are planned for release, week 4, April 2022. Assessment When an assessment i...
Fri, 29 Apr, 2022 at 11:31 AM
Authenticate - Release 6 - May 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform Assessment The journey to accept a self-assessment request has been updated. Rath...
Wed, 18 May, 2022 at 12:58 PM
Authenticate - Release 7 - June 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform Product Quality Recordings A new feature has been added to allow Product Quality ...
Thu, 30 Jun, 2022 at 12:27 PM
Authenticate - Release 8 - June 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform Global Navigation We have updated the side navigation to be consistent for all us...
Thu, 7 Jul, 2022 at 11:15 AM
Authenticate - Release 9 - July 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform Document Request Management To improve management of document request projects the f...
Mon, 25 Jul, 2022 at 10:07 AM
Authenticate - Release 10 - 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform Assessment Scheduler A new feature has been created to assist users scheduling on-...
Fri, 19 Aug, 2022 at 1:04 PM
Authenticate - Release 11 - August 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform ESG Comparison Report - Coming Soon A new report is being created that will allow...
Tue, 23 Aug, 2022 at 9:16 AM
Authenticate - Release 12 - September 2022
The following changes have been made to the Authenticate platform ESG Comparison Report A new report is now available to allow users to compare the...
Tue, 6 Sep, 2022 at 11:03 AM